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The pond boss® PRO Block Bacteria ia a blend of live bacteria and enzymes specifically designed to improve water quality by reducing high levels of decaying nutrients

Gobla Lakes and Wetlands Lake management for Munic
Global Lakes and Wetlands
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Click Here to Learn More about The pond boss® PRO Block Bacteria, a blend of live bacteria and enzymes in a 5 pound block of organic digesters similar to what is found in your over the counter probiotics.

Florida Agriculture Water Treatment and Management naturally,
without harsh chemicals while promoting livestock health

Water Treatment for Florida Agriculture

The Florida water treatment issues confronting the Agriculture market today include an ever-increasing demand for irrigation water, compromised water quality, declining availability, and expanded goverment regulations.

Water sources traditionally used for agricultural applications include groundwater, surface water, properly treated municipal and industrial wastewaters, as well as liquid manures stored in lagoons onsite at large dairy and swine operations. Dairy and CAFO manure storage, treatment, and handling regulation compliance are major issues confronting these segments of the agricultural producer market.

There are also water treatment issues and regulations confronting the vegetable and fruit processor’s segment of the market that involve vegetable/fruit washing and wastewater recycling that must be addressed.

Global Lakes and Wetlands Distributors LLC provides customized, project/application-specific complete water treatment solutions. Using the pond boss® PRO Block Bacteria is a blend of live bacteria and enzymes specifically designed to improve water quality by reducing high levels of decaying nutrients. Particles from grass clippings, dead or decaying plants, excess food or other organic material from the bottom of the pond is commonly called the “sludge” layer. The sludge layer is most often responsible for undesirable odors and low oxygen levels. pond boss® PRO Block Bacteria is timed release over the course of 60 days. Regular use will degrade unwanted organic debris accumulation and improve the overall health of the pond while cleaning the water column of unwanted organic material. natural non-toxic water management solutions serving the Agriculture markets.


Floridas Equine and agricultural wetlands management

Water Treatment for Florida Agriculture

Agricultural Water treatment for the Agriculture markets include:
Procedure - Block Treatments: You will treat waterways with the bacteria blocks following label rates of 1 block treating 5 acre feet. You will add the required number of blocks per waterway at time zero, rounding up to the nearest block. You will apply the correct number of blocks every 30 days for the first 2 months, after the initial 60 days, the maintenance dose will be the same number of blocks but spaced out every 60 days.

Natural Area Weed Management

Global Lakes and Wetlands is licensed and is experienced in Florida Wetlands Weed Management, which is one of the most significant aspects of wetland maintenance. This means we are certified to identify and remedy the occurrence of invasive plants, which are nonnative vegetation with uncontrollable growth rates that threaten the existence of natural plants.

Almost one-third of Florida’s plant species are nonnative plants that disrupt the natural ecology by displacing native vegetation and competing with them for resources, such as water and sunlight. These plants include:

  • Category I: Exotic species that have become disruptive to the extent that they have displaced or hybridized with native plants (melaleuca, Brazilian pepper, Australian pine, shoebutton ardisia, etc.).

  • Category II: Exotic species that have not become as disruptive as Category I plants, but are nevertheless threatening with regard to their prevalence or growth rate (Guinea grass, castor bean, queen palm, wedelia, etc.).

We maintaining Florida’s wetlands preserves by mechanical, biological and chemical means, Florida developers can rely on Global Lakes and Wetland Distributors, LLC. We maintain Florida’s natural plant life, manage and restore the natural areas. Give us a call today!

Check out our other products : Aquatic Blue for Lakes 128 oz. | Algaecide/Bactericide 128 oz. | Bacteria Bio-Maintenance, 1 lb. Puck,
6 PK Retail pkg | Bacteria Bio-Maintenance 5 lb. Block | Liquid Bacteria 128 oz. | Water Clarifier 10 lb. | Water Clarifier 128 oz. |
1/2 HP Floating Fountain with Lights | Algaecide/Bactericide 320 oz. (2.5 gal) | Quick Release Bacteria Bio-Maintenance, Water Soluble Bag | Bacteria Bio-Maintenance, Pellets, 8 lb. | Bacteria Bio-Maintenance, 1 lb. Puck, 24 PK

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Global Lakes and Wetlands
Global Lakes and Wetlands

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Gobla Lakes and Wetlands Lake management for Munic

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